Wrapped Up


  Like a Christmas present,
         you wrapped me up…
          tied me with a bow
 and set me under your tree.

You pass me by and sigh, gazing at that time
      that used to be.

  You tip-toe
  to my essence
   and hold that memory,
   the scent,
           and the feel of me.

And, then, you put me down  and walk away
      time after time
    until another day.

                                          Sometimes you get brave
  enough to open me
     for a new experience
      another time to treasure
     when you are down.

Then, you wrap me up again

    tie me with a bow
      and then you walk away.

 As I lie beneath your tree,
    I muse.....what
would be your reaction
 to find me...no longer there,
 no longer  waiting
for your love. 

Dingy wrappings,
 now crinkled with use,
the bow.....tattered and torn,
from your opening
and abuse.

Like the waxing and waning
of the tide's
sweet breath, in...and out,
love is here,
then it's gone.

Left wondering am I
at how long I can lie
          underneath your tree…
dressed up
     in all my finery.

For I am...
all wrapped up...
      with no place to go.


Kay Ekwall ©




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